174 lines
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174 lines
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package com.api.aiyh_pcn.fadada.dao;
import aiyh.utils.Util;
import aiyh.utils.sqlUtil.sqlResult.impl.PrepSqlResultImpl;
import aiyh.utils.sqlUtil.whereUtil.Where;
import aiyh.utils.zwl.common.ToolUtil;
import com.api.aiyh_pcn.fadada.entity.FaDaDaConfigDTO;
import weaver.aiyh_pcn.fadada.entity.FileInfo;
import weaver.conn.RecordSet;
import weaver.workflow.workflow.WorkflowVersion;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author EBU7-dev1-ayh
* @create 2021/9/30 0030 11:18
* 数据
public class FaDDServiceMapping {
private final RecordSet rs = new RecordSet();
private final ToolUtil toolUtil = new ToolUtil();
// private final String MAIN_TABLE = "formtable_main_17";
// private final String DETAIL_TABLE = "formtable_main_17_dt1";
public FaDaDaConfigDTO queryConfig(String workflowId, int type) {
String versionStringByWfid = WorkflowVersion.getVersionStringByWfid(workflowId);
String query = "select main.id,main.workflow_type,main.api_type, main.params_config, " +
"wf.fieldname field_control, " +
"(select GROUP_CONCAT('',selectvalue,'') selectvalue from workflow_selectitem where FIND_IN_SET(id,main.check_personal)) check_personal, " +
"(select GROUP_CONCAT('',selectvalue,'') selectvalue from workflow_selectitem where FIND_IN_SET(id,main.check_enterprise)) check_enterprise, " +
"main.check_source_type,wdt.tablename check_source " +
"from uf_contract_config main " +
"left join workflow_field_table_view wf on wf.id = main.field_control " +
"left join workflow_detail_table_view wdt on wdt.id = main.check_source and wdt.workflow_id = main.workflow_type " +
"where main.workflow_type in ( " + versionStringByWfid + ") and api_type = ?";
rs.executeQuery(query, type);
return Util.recordeSet2Entity(rs, FaDaDaConfigDTO.class, true);
public List<FileInfo> queryImgFileIdByDocIds(String fileIds) {
String query = "select imagefileid,imagefilename from docimagefile where docid in ( " + fileIds + " )";
return Util.recordeSet2Array(rs, FileInfo.class);
public List<Map<String, Object>> queryDetailInfo(String requestId,String workflowId,int type) {
String mainTable = this.getMainTable(workflowId);
String query = "select id from " + mainTable + " where requestid = ?";
rs.executeQuery(query, requestId);
String mainId = rs.getString("id");
String detailTable = this.getDetailTable(workflowId, type);
query = "select * from " + detailTable + " where mainid = ? and ( contract_status in (1,6) or contract_status is null) ";
RecordSet rs = new RecordSet();
rs.executeQuery(query, mainId);
List<Map<String, Object>> maps = null;
try {
maps = Util.recordSet2MapList(rs);
toolUtil.writeErrorLog("查询到状态:" + maps);
} catch (Exception e) {
toolUtil.writeErrorLog("工具类出现异常:" + e);
return maps == null ? new ArrayList<>() : maps;
public List<Map<String, Object>> queryDetailDownInfo(String requestId,String workflowId,int type) {
String mainTable = this.getMainTable(workflowId);
String query = "select id from " + mainTable + " where requestid = ?";
rs.executeQuery(query, requestId);
String mainId = rs.getString("id");
String detailTable = this.getDetailTable(workflowId, type);
query = "select * from " + detailTable + " where mainid = ?";
RecordSet rs = new RecordSet();
rs.executeQuery(query, mainId);
List<Map<String, Object>> maps = null;
try {
maps = Util.recordSet2MapList(rs);
toolUtil.writeErrorLog("查询到状态:" + maps);
} catch (Exception e) {
toolUtil.writeErrorLog("工具类出现异常:" + e);
return maps == null ? new ArrayList<>() : maps;
public List<Map<String, Object>> querySignedInfo(String requestId, String workflowId) {
String mainTable = this.getMainTable(workflowId);
String query = "select id from " + mainTable + " where requestid = ? and signed_oneself = 1";
rs.executeQuery(query, requestId);
return Util.recordSet2MapList(rs);
public void updateContractStatus(Map<String, Object> map,String workflowId,int type) {
String detailTable = this.getDetailTable(workflowId,type);
Map<String, Object> updateData = new HashMap<>();
updateData.put("contract_status", map.get("contract_status"));
Where where = Util.createPrepWhereImpl().whereAnd("id").whereEqual(map.get("id"));
PrepSqlResultImpl sqlResult = Util.createSqlBuilder().updateSql(detailTable, updateData, where);
rs.executeUpdate(sqlResult.getSqlStr(), sqlResult.getArgs());
public String getAllVersion(String versionStringByWfid) {
String query = "select distinct workflow_type from uf_contract_config where workflow_type in (" + versionStringByWfid + ")";
return rs.getString(1);
public String getMainTable(String workflowId){
String versionStringByWfid = WorkflowVersion.getVersionStringByWfid(workflowId);
String query = "select tablename from workflow_bill " +
" where id in (select formid from workflow_base " +
" where id in (" + versionStringByWfid + ") )";
String mainTable = rs.getString(1);
toolUtil.writeErrorLog("mainTable:" + mainTable);
return mainTable;
public String getDetailTable(String workflowId, int type){
FaDaDaConfigDTO faDaDaConfigDTO = this.queryConfig(workflowId, type);
String detailTable = faDaDaConfigDTO.getCheckSource();
toolUtil.writeErrorLog("detailTable:" + detailTable);
return detailTable;
public String getNodes(String versionStringByWfid, String markOnly) {
String query = "select workflow_nodes from uf_node_config where workflow_type in (" + versionStringByWfid + ") and mark_only = ?";
return rs.getString(1);
/* public FaDDConfigMainDTO getConfigParam(String workflowId) {
String versionStringByWfid = WorkflowVersion.getVersionStringByWfid(workflowId);
String query = "select main.id,main.workflow_type, wf.fieldname field_control, " +
"(select GROUP_CONCAT('',selectvalue,'') selectvalue from workflow_selectitem where FIND_IN_SET(id,main.check_personal)) check_personal, " +
"(select GROUP_CONCAT('',selectvalue,'') selectvalue from workflow_selectitem where FIND_IN_SET(id,main.check_enterprise)) check_enterprise, " +
"main.check_source_type,wdt.tablename check_source " +
"from uf_attestation_conf main " +
"left join workflow_field_table_view wf on wf.id = main.field_control " +
"left join workflow_detail_table_view wdt on wdt.id = main.check_source and wdt.workflow_id = main.workflow_type " +
"where main.workflow_type in ( " + versionStringByWfid + ")";
FaDDConfigMainDTO faDDConfigMainDTO = Util.recordeSet2Entity(rs, FaDDConfigMainDTO.class, true);
query = "select dt.id,dt.line_num,dt.param_name,dt.param_type,dt.object_child,dt.parent_line,dt.change_rule, " +
"dt.param_value,wf.fieldname workflow_field,wf.tablename tablename,dt.array_sql,dt.api_type " +
"from uf_attestation_conf_dt1 dt " +
"left join workflow_field_table_view wf on wf.id = dt.workflow_field " +
"where dt.mainid = ?";
rs.executeQuery(query, faDDConfigMainDTO.getId());
List<FaDDConfigDetailDTO> faDDConfigDetailDTOS = Util.recordeSet2Array(rs, FaDDConfigDetailDTO.class, true);
return faDDConfigMainDTO;