package; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import com.api.browser.bean.SearchConditionOption; import com.api.browser.util.ConditionType; import com.engine.doc.util.CheckPermission; import com.engine.doc.util.TimeZoneUtil; import; import; import weaver.general.BaseBean; import weaver.general.TimeUtil; import weaver.general.Util; import weaver.hrm.User; import weaver.systeminfo.setting.HrmUserSettingComInfo; /** * sqlwhere条件拼装 * * @author wangqs */ public class DocListUtil { private String sqlWhere = " "; private boolean needRight = true; public DocListUtil(HttpServletRequest request, User user, DocTableType docTableType) { this.packageCondition(request, user, docTableType); } public DocListUtil( HttpServletRequest request, User user, DocTableType docTableType, boolean needRight) { if (!needRight || user == null) { // user为null,登录前门户元素more页面 sqlWhere = ""; this.needRight = false; } this.packageCondition(request, user, docTableType); } /** 封装查询条件 */ private void packageCondition(HttpServletRequest request, User user, DocTableType docTableType) { String belongtoids = ""; if (needRight) { HrmUserSettingComInfo userSetting = new HrmUserSettingComInfo(); String belongtoshow = userSetting.getBelongtoshowByUserId(user.getUID() + ""); belongtoids = user.getBelongtoids(); if ("1".equals(belongtoshow) && "0".equals(user.getAccount_type()) && !"".equals(belongtoids)) belongtoids += "," + user.getUID(); else belongtoids = ""; } Enumeration paramNames = request.getParameterNames(); String docstatus = ""; String customSql = ""; if (docTableType == DocTableType.DOC_COPYMOVE) { sqlWhere = " t1.seccategory = " + request.getParameter("sourceId"); } while (paramNames.hasMoreElements()) { String paramName = (String) paramNames.nextElement(); String paramValue = Util.null2String(request.getParameter(paramName)); boolean isCustom = true; // 是否是自定义字段 for (DocCondition condition : DocCondition.values()) { if (paramValue.isEmpty()) continue; if (condition.getConditionType() == ConditionType.DATE) { if (paramName.equals(condition.getName() + ConditionUtil.DATE_SELECT) && !"6".equals(paramValue)) { // 只有6-时间范围,页面才传开始到结束时间,这里需要自己处理 sqlWhere += packDateType(condition.getName(), paramValue, condition); } else if (paramName.equals(condition.getName() + ConditionUtil.DATE_FROM)) { // if(paramValue.equals(request.getParameter(condition.getName() + // ConditionUtil.DATE_TO))){ //开始日期==结束日期 // paramValue = TimeZoneUtil.getServerDate1(paramValue,"begin"); // sqlWhere += " and " + condition.getName() + "='" + paramValue + "'"; // }else{ String time_paramValue = TimeZoneUtil.getServerDate1(paramValue, "begin"); // if(!paramValue.equals(time_paramValue)){ // time_paramValue = paramValue; // } if ("doclastmoddate".equals(condition.getName()) || "doccreatedate".equals(condition.getName())) { String doclastmodtime = TimeZoneUtil.getServertime1(paramValue, "begin"); sqlWhere += TimeZoneUtil.handDateCondition( "6", paramValue, "", condition.getName(), "", false); } else { sqlWhere += " and " + condition.getName() + ">='" + time_paramValue + "'"; // + " and " + condition.getName() + "=" + paramValue; } // } } else if (paramName.equals(condition.getName() + ConditionUtil.DATE_TO)) { // if(!paramValue.equals(request.getParameter(condition.getName() + // ConditionUtil.DATE_FROM))){ //开始日期!=结束日期 // paramValue = TimeZoneUtil.getServerDate1(paramValue,"end"); String time_paramValue = TimeZoneUtil.getServerDate1(paramValue, "end"); // if(!paramValue.equals(time_paramValue)){ // time_paramValue = paramValue; // } if ("doclastmoddate".equals(condition.getName()) || "doccreatedate".equals(condition.getName())) { String doclastmodtime = TimeZoneUtil.getServertime1(paramValue, "end"); sqlWhere += TimeZoneUtil.handDateCondition( "6", "", paramValue, condition.getName(), "", false); // sqlWhere += " and (" + condition.getName() + "<='" + time_paramValue + "'" // + " and " + "doclastmodtime<='"+ doclastmodtime +"')"; } else { sqlWhere += " and " + condition.getName() + "<='" + time_paramValue + "'"; // + " and " + condition.getName() + "=" + paramValue; } // sqlWhere += " and " + condition.getName() + "<='" + time_paramValue + "'"; // } } continue; } if (condition.getConditionType() == ConditionType.SCOPE) { if (paramName.equals(DocCondition.REPLAY_DOC_COUNT + ConditionUtil.INTERVAL_FROM)) { String _val = Util.getIntValue(paramValue, 0) + ""; if (condition.getDbType() != DbType.INT) { _val = "'" + _val.replace("'", "'") + "'"; } sqlWhere += " and " + condition.getName() + " >= " + _val; } else if (paramName.equals(DocCondition.REPLAY_DOC_COUNT + ConditionUtil.INTERVAL_TO)) { String _val = Util.getIntValue(paramValue, 0) + ""; if (condition.getDbType() != DbType.INT) { _val = "'" + _val.replace("'", "'") + "'"; } sqlWhere += " and " + condition.getName() + " <= " + _val; } } if (condition.getName().equals(paramName)) { isCustom = false; if (condition.getLogic() == LogicOperation.CUSTOM) { if (paramName.equals(DocCondition.DOC_SUBJECT.getName())) { // 标题 sqlWhere += " and " + getDocSubjectSql(paramValue); } else if (paramName.equals(DocCondition.KEYWORD.getName())) { // 关键字 sqlWhere += " and " + getKeyWordSql(paramValue); } else if (paramName.equals(DocCondition.DEPARTMENT_ID.getName())) { // 创建部门 sqlWhere += " and exists(select 1 from HrmResource where departmentid=" + paramValue + " and id=t1.doccreaterid)"; } else if (paramName.equals(DocCondition.CREATER_SUBCOMPANY_ID.getName())) { // 创建人分部 sqlWhere += " and exists(select 1 from HrmResource where subcompanyid1=" + paramValue + " and id=t1.doccreaterid)"; } else if (paramName.equals(DocCondition.OWNER_DEPARTMENT_ID.getName())) { // 所有者部门 sqlWhere += " and exists(select 1 from HrmResource where departmentid=" + paramValue + " and id=t1.ownerid)"; } else if (paramName.equals(DocCondition.OWNER_SUBCOMPANY_ID.getName())) { // 所有者分部 sqlWhere += " and exists(select 1 from HrmResource where subcompanyid1=" + paramValue + " and id=t1.ownerid)"; } else if (paramName.equals(DocCondition.DATE2DURING.getName())) { // 修改期间 if (Util.getIntValue(paramValue, 0) > 36 || Util.getIntValue(paramValue, 0) < 1) { // 表示全部 continue; } sqlWhere += " and t1.doclastmoddate>='" + getDate2During(Util.getIntValue(paramValue, 0)) + "'"; } else if (paramName.equals(DocCondition.DOC_STATUS.getName())) { // 文档状态 docstatus = paramValue; } else if (paramName.equals(DocCondition.TREE_DOC_FIELD_ID.getName())) { // 虚拟目录 paramValue = paramValue.startsWith(",") ? paramValue.substring(1) : paramValue; paramValue = paramValue.endsWith(",") ? paramValue.substring(0, paramValue.length() - 1) : paramValue; paramValue = paramValue.indexOf(",") == -1 ? (" = " + paramValue) : (" in (" + paramValue + ")"); sqlWhere += " and exists(select 1 from DocDummyDetail where and catelogid " + paramValue + ")"; } } else if (condition.getLogic() == LogicOperation.EQ_OR_IN) { paramValue = paramValue.startsWith(",") ? paramValue.substring(1) : paramValue; paramValue = paramValue.endsWith(",") ? paramValue.substring(0, paramValue.length() - 1) : paramValue; // 分为文档订阅部分的高级搜索条件拼接 if (paramValue.indexOf(",") == -1) { if (condition.getDbType() == DbType.VARCHAR) paramValue = "'" + paramValue.replace("'", "''") + "'"; paramValue = " = " + paramValue; } else { if (condition.getDbType() == DbType.VARCHAR) paramValue = "'" + paramValue.replace("'", "''").replace(",", "','") + "'"; paramValue = " in (" + paramValue + ")"; } if (condition == DocCondition.SUBSCRIPTION_APPROVE_DATE || condition == DocCondition.SUBSCRIPTION_DATE || condition == DocCondition.SUBSCRIPTION_STATE) { sqlWhere += " and ds." + paramName + paramValue; } else { sqlWhere += " and t1." + paramName + paramValue; } } else if (condition.getLogic() != null) { // 分为文档订阅部分的高级搜索条件拼接 String _code = condition.getLogic().getCode(); if (_code == null) continue; if (condition.getDbType() == DbType.VARCHAR) { if (_code.indexOf("{#}") > -1) { paramValue = paramValue.replace("'", "''"); } else { paramValue = "'" + paramValue.replace("'", "''") + "'"; } } if (condition == DocCondition.SUBSCRIPTION_APPROVE_DATE || condition == DocCondition.SUBSCRIPTION_DATE || condition == DocCondition.SUBSCRIPTION_STATE) { sqlWhere += " and ds." + paramName + (_code.indexOf("{#}") > -1 ? _code.replace("{#}", paramValue) : (_code + paramValue)); } else { sqlWhere += " and t1." + paramName + (_code.indexOf("{#}") > -1 ? _code.replace("{#}", paramValue) : (_code + paramValue)); } } break; } } // 处理自定义字段 // 如果开启了自定义查询,当前的条件是自定义字段中的值,则进行检查 if (isCustom && ConditionUtil.isCustomParamNameNew(paramName) && ConditionUtil.isCustomParamValue(paramName)) { String id = ConditionUtil.getCustomIdNew(paramName); int secid = Util.getIntValue(Util.null2String(request.getParameter("seccategory"))); if (docTableType == DocTableType.DOC_COPYMOVE) { sqlWhere = " t1.seccategory = " + request.getParameter("sourceId"); } String fieldValue = paramValue; String fieldOpt = Util.null2String( request.getParameter( ConditionUtil.CUSTOM_KEY_PREV + id + ConditionUtil.CUSTOM_KEY_OPT), "-1"); String customSqlWhere = ConditionUtil.getCustomSql(id, secid, user, fieldValue, fieldOpt); if (!customSqlWhere.isEmpty()) { customSql += " and " + customSqlWhere; } } } String eqOrInBelongtoidsForSql = needRight ? (belongtoids.isEmpty() ? (" = " + user.getUID()) : (" in (" + belongtoids + ")")) : ""; // 处理特殊字段 docstatus = docstatus.startsWith(",") ? docstatus.substring(1) : docstatus; docstatus = docstatus.endsWith(",") ? docstatus.substring(0, docstatus.length() - 1) : docstatus; if (docTableType == DocTableType.MY_DOC_TABLE) { // 我的文档 if (docstatus.isEmpty()) { sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus != 8 and t1.docstatus != 9 and t1.docstatus <=9"; } else { sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus " + (docstatus.indexOf(",") > -1 ? ("in (" + docstatus + ")") : ("=" + docstatus)); } sqlWhere += " and (t1.doccreaterid " + eqOrInBelongtoidsForSql + " or t1.ownerid " + eqOrInBelongtoidsForSql + ")"; } else if (docTableType == DocTableType.DOC_BATCHSHARE) { // 批量共享 if (needRight) { // sqlWhere += " and (t1.docstatus in(1,2,5) or (t1.docstatus=7 and (sharelevel>1 or // (t1.doccreaterid="+user.getUID()+" or t1.ownerid="+user.getUID()+"))))"; sqlWhere += " and (t1.docstatus in(1,2,5) or (t1.docstatus=7 and (t1.doccreaterid=" + user.getUID() + " or t1.ownerid=" + user.getUID() + ")))"; } else { sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus in(1,2,5,7) "; } } else if (docTableType == DocTableType.DOC_COPYMOVE || docTableType == DocTableType.ENGINE_DOC_BATCHSHARE) { // 复制、移动 后台批量调整共享 if (docstatus.isEmpty()) { sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus in(1,2,5,7)"; } else { docstatus = docstatus.equals("1") ? "1,2" : docstatus; // 页面查询条件1表示 同时查询 正常、生效两种状态 sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus " + (docstatus.indexOf(",") > -1 ? ("in (" + docstatus + ")") : ("=" + docstatus)); } } else if (docTableType == DocTableType.DOC_RECYCLE) { // 文档回收站 if (!docstatus.isEmpty()) { docstatus = docstatus.equals("1") ? "1,2" : docstatus; // 页面查询条件1表示 同时查询 正常、生效两种状态 sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus " + (docstatus.indexOf(",") > -1 ? ("in (" + docstatus + ")") : ("=" + docstatus)); } } else if (docTableType == DocTableType.ENGINE_DOC_RECYCLE) { // 文档回收(后台) if (!docstatus.isEmpty()) { docstatus = docstatus.equals("1") ? "1,2" : docstatus; // 页面查询条件1表示 同时查询 正常、生效两种状态 sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus " + (docstatus.indexOf(",") > -1 ? ("in (" + docstatus + ")") : ("=" + docstatus)); } } else if (docTableType == DocTableType.DOC_SUBSCRIPTION_HISTORY) { // 文档订阅历史 if (docstatus.isEmpty()) { // sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus in(1,2,5) "; if (needRight) { // sqlWhere += " and (t1.docstatus in(1,2,5) or (t1.docstatus=7 and (sharelevel>1 or // (t1.doccreaterid="+user.getUID()+" or t1.ownerid="+user.getUID()+"))))"; // ayh 默认可以查看全部文档,包括非正常状态的文档 /* sqlWhere += " and (t1.docstatus in(1,2,5) or (t1.docstatus=7 and (t1.doccreaterid=" + user.getUID() + " or t1.ownerid=" + user.getUID() + ")))";*/ sqlWhere += " and (t1.docstatus in(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) or (t1.docstatus=7 and (t1.doccreaterid=" + user.getUID() + " or t1.ownerid=" + user.getUID() + ")))"; } else { // ayh 默认可以参看全部文档,包括处于非正常状态的文档 // sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus in(1,2,5) "; sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus in(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) "; } } else { docstatus = docstatus.equals("1") ? "1,2" : docstatus; // 页面查询条件1表示 同时查询 正常、生效两种状态 sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus " + (docstatus.indexOf(",") > -1 ? ("in (" + docstatus + ")") : ("=" + docstatus)); } if (docTableType == DocTableType.NEWEST_DOC || docTableType == DocTableType.NO_READ_DOC) { // 最新文档(未读文档) sqlWhere += " and t1.doccreaterid " + (belongtoids.isEmpty() ? ("<> " + user.getUID()) : ("not in (" + belongtoids + ")")); } } else if (docTableType == DocTableType.ENGINE_DOC_PROP_SET) { // 文档弹出窗口设置 sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus in(1,2,5) and t1.docextendname = 'html'"; } else { if (docstatus.isEmpty()) { // sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus in(1,2,5) "; if (needRight) { // sqlWhere += " and (t1.docstatus in(1,2,5) or (t1.docstatus=7 and (sharelevel>1 or // (t1.doccreaterid="+user.getUID()+" or t1.ownerid="+user.getUID()+"))))"; // ayh // sqlWhere += // " and (t1.docstatus in(1,2,5) or (t1.docstatus=7 and (t1.doccreaterid=" // + user.getUID() // + " or t1.ownerid=" // + user.getUID() // + ")))"; sqlWhere += " and (t1.docstatus in(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) or (t1.docstatus=7 and (t1.doccreaterid=" + user.getUID() + " or t1.ownerid=" + user.getUID() + ")))"; } else { // ayh // sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus in(1,2,5) "; sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus in(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) "; } } else { docstatus = docstatus.equals("1") ? "1,2" : docstatus; // 页面查询条件1表示 同时查询 正常、生效两种状态 sqlWhere += " and t1.docstatus " + (docstatus.indexOf(",") > -1 ? ("in (" + docstatus + ")") : ("=" + docstatus)); } if (docTableType == DocTableType.NEWEST_DOC || docTableType == DocTableType.NO_READ_DOC) { // 最新文档(未读文档) sqlWhere += " and t1.doccreaterid " + (belongtoids.isEmpty() ? ("<> " + user.getUID()) : ("not in (" + belongtoids + ")")); } } String isNew = Util.null2String(request.getParameter("isNew")); if ("yes".equals(isNew) || docTableType == DocTableType.NEWEST_DOC || docTableType == DocTableType.NO_READ_DOC) { sqlWhere += " and not exists(select 1 from docReadTag where and userid " + eqOrInBelongtoidsForSql + " and usertype=1)"; } if (!customSql.isEmpty()) { sqlWhere += " and exists(select 1 from cus_fielddata tcm where scope='" + ConditionUtil.CUSTOM_SCOPE + "' and " + customSql + ")"; } if (docTableType == DocTableType.DOC_BATCHSHARE && needRight) { // 批量共享(不需要权限的是后台批量共享) // sqlWhere += " and sharelevel=3 and exists(select 1 from DocSecCategory where // and DocSecCategory.shareable='1')"; sqlWhere += " and exists(select 1 from DocSecCategory where and DocSecCategory.shareable='1')"; } // if(needRight){ if (docTableType == DocTableType.DOC_OUT_TABLE) { // 登录前门户more(只取内部) boolean secretFlag = CheckPermission.isOpenSecret(); if (secretFlag) sqlWhere += " and t1.secretLevel=" + DocManager.DEFAILT_SECRET_LEVEL; } else { sqlWhere += DocListUtil.getSecretSql(user, " and t1.secretLevel"); } // } // 统一过滤字段 if (docTableType != DocTableType.DOC_SUBSCRIPTION_HISTORY && docTableType != DocTableType.DOC_SUBSCRIPTION_APPROVE && docTableType != DocTableType.DOC_SUBSCRIPTION_BACK && docTableType != DocTableType.DOC_RECYCLE) { // 非文档订阅过虑历史文件 、 非回收站 sqlWhere += " and (t1.ishistory is null or t1.ishistory = 0)"; } if (docTableType == DocTableType.DOC_RECYCLE) { // 文档回收站 sqlWhere += " and t1.ishistory != 1 "; sqlWhere += " and t1.docdeleteuserid=" + user.getUID(); } else if (docTableType == DocTableType.ENGINE_DOC_RECYCLE) { // 文档回收站(后台) sqlWhere += " and t1.ishistory != 1 "; } else { sqlWhere += " and (t1.isreply is null or t1.isreply='' or t1.isreply='0')"; } sqlWhere = sqlWhere.trim().startsWith("and") ? sqlWhere.substring(4) : sqlWhere; // 初次进入列表,代入默认值条件 packDefaultValue(request, user, docTableType); } public static String getSecretSql(User user, String column) { boolean secretFlag = CheckPermission.isOpenSecret(); if (secretFlag) { HrmClassifiedProtectionBiz hcpb = new HrmClassifiedProtectionBiz(); String userSecretLevel = user == null ? "" : hcpb.getMaxResourceSecLevel(user); return column + ">=" + Util.getIntValue(userSecretLevel, DocManager.DEFAILT_SECRET_LEVEL); // } return ""; } public static Map getCreateDate(HttpServletRequest request) { String select = request.getParameter(DocCondition.DOC_CREATEDATE_SELECT + ConditionUtil.DATE_SELECT); String from = request.getParameter(DocCondition.DOC_CREATEDATE_SELECT + ConditionUtil.DATE_FROM); String to = request.getParameter(DocCondition.DOC_CREATEDATE_SELECT + ConditionUtil.DATE_TO); Map dateMap = new HashMap(); if ("0".equals(select)) { return dateMap; } dateMap = packDate(select, from, to); from = dateMap.get("from"); to = dateMap.get("to"); if (from != null && !from.isEmpty()) { from = new TimeZoneUtil().getServerDate(from + " 00:00:00"); } if (to != null && !to.isEmpty()) { to = new TimeZoneUtil().getServerDate(to + " 23:59:59"); } dateMap.put(DocCondition.DOC_CREATEDATE_SELECT.getName() + ConditionUtil.DATE_FROM, from); dateMap.put(DocCondition.DOC_CREATEDATE_SELECT.getName() + ConditionUtil.DATE_TO, to); return dateMap; } /** * 初始进入列表,代入默认值条件 * * @author wangqs */ public void packDefaultValue(HttpServletRequest request, User user, DocTableType docTableType) { // /*** * String during = request.getParameter(DocCondition.DATE2DURING.getName()); * if(during == null){ * List options = ConditionUtil.getDateSelectDuring(user.getLanguage()); * int date = 0; * for(SearchConditionOption option : options){ * if(option.isSelected()){ * date = Util.getIntValue(option.getKey(),0); * } * } * if(date >= 1 && date <= 36){ * * sqlWhere += " and t1.doclastmoddate>='" + getDate2During(date) + "'"; * } * } * ***/ // 最新文档有tab页,未读文档没有tab页 if (docTableType == DocTableType.NEWEST_DOC) { // 最新文档 try { sqlWhere += this.packSearchTabDate(request.getParameter(ConditionUtil.TAB_REQ_NAME)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (docTableType == DocTableType.MY_DOC_TABLE || docTableType == DocTableType.SEARCH_DOC_TABLE || docTableType == DocTableType.CATEGORY_DOC_TABLE) { // 我的文档、查询文档、文档目录 try { // 0-全部,1-今天,2-本周,3-本月,4-本季,5-本年 int tab = Util.getIntValue( request.getParameter(ConditionUtil.TAB_REQ_NAME), ConditionUtil.TAB_DATE_DEFAULT); String updateDate = Util.null2String( request.getParameter( DocCondition.DOC_LAST_MODDATE.getName() + ConditionUtil.DATE_SELECT)); if (updateDate.isEmpty()) { // 没有修改日期,取默认时间 // sqlWhere += packDateType(DocCondition.DOC_LAST_MODDATE.getName(),tab + ""); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } sqlWhere = sqlWhere.trim().startsWith("and") ? sqlWhere.substring(4) : sqlWhere; } /** 处理修改期间(最近n月)条件的查询 */ public static String getDate2During(int month) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -30 * month); Date cDate = new Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis()); return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(cDate); } /** 处理特殊时间类型(今天、本周、本月....)条件查询 0-全部,1-今天,2-本周,3-本月,7-上个月,4-本季,5-本年,8-上一年,6-指定日期范围 */ public static String packDateType(String column, String value, DocCondition condition) { Map dateMap = packDate(value, "", ""); String sdate = Util.null2String(dateMap.get("from")); String edate = Util.null2String(dateMap.get("to")); if ("0".equals(value)) { return ""; } if (condition == DocCondition.SUBSCRIPTION_APPROVE_DATE || condition == DocCondition.SUBSCRIPTION_DATE || condition == DocCondition.SUBSCRIPTION_STATE) { if (!sdate.isEmpty()) { if ("8".equals(value)) { return TimeZoneUtil.handDateCondition(value, sdate, edate, column, "ds", false, true); } else { return TimeZoneUtil.handDateCondition(value, sdate, edate, column, "ds", false, true); } // if(sdate.equals(edate)){ //// return TimeZoneUtil.handDateCondition(value,sdate,"",column,"ds",false,true); // return " and ds." + column + "='" + sdate + "'"; // }else{ //// return TimeZoneUtil.handDateCondition(value,sdate,"",column,"ds",false,true); // String test = " and ds." + column + ">='" + sdate + "' and ds." + column + "<='" + // edate + "'"; // return test; // } } } else { if (!sdate.isEmpty()) { if ("8".equals(value)) { return TimeZoneUtil.handDateCondition(value, sdate, edate, column, "t1", false, true); } else { return TimeZoneUtil.handDateCondition(value, sdate, edate, column, "t1", false, true); } // if(sdate.equals(edate)){ // return " and t1." + column + "='" + sdate + "'"; // }else{ // String test = " and t1." + column + ">='" + sdate + "' and t1." + column + "<='" + // edate + "'"; // return test; // } } } return ""; } /** * 处理特殊时间类型(今天、本周、本月....)条件查询 0-全部,1-今天,2-本周,3-本月,7-上个月,4-本季,5-本年,8-上一年,6-指定日期范围 * * @author wangqs * @params select-类型值,from-指定类型的开始日期,to-指定日期的结束日期 */ public static Map packDate(String select, String from, String to) { Map dateMap = new HashMap(); String sdate = ""; String edate = TimeUtil.getCurrentDateString(); switch (Util.getIntValue(select, 0)) { case 1: sdate = TimeUtil.getCurrentDateString(); break; case 2: sdate = TimeUtil.getFirstDayOfWeek(); break; case 3: sdate = TimeUtil.getFirstDayOfMonth(); break; case 4: sdate = TimeUtil.getFirstDayOfSeason(); break; case 5: sdate = TimeUtil.getFirstDayOfTheYear(); break; case 6: sdate = from; edate = to; case 7: sdate = TimeUtil.getLastMonthBeginDay(); edate = TimeUtil.getLastMonthEndDay(); break; case 8: sdate = TimeUtil.getFirstDayOfLastYear(); edate = TimeUtil.getEndDayOfLastYear(); break; default: break; } // TimeZoneUtil timeZoneUtil = new TimeZoneUtil(); // //多时区转换 // sdate = timeZoneUtil.getServerDate(sdate,"begin"); // edate = timeZoneUtil.getServerDate(edate,"end"); dateMap.put("from", sdate); dateMap.put("to", edate); return dateMap; } /** 根据规则 处理有主题条件的查询 */ private String getDocSubjectSql(String docsubject) { String tmpString = ""; docsubject = docsubject.replaceAll("'", "''").replaceAll("\"", """); if ((docsubject.indexOf(" ") == -1 && docsubject.indexOf("+") == -1) || (docsubject.indexOf(" ") != -1 && docsubject.indexOf("+") != -1)) { tmpString += " t1.docsubject like '%" + docsubject + "%'"; } else if (docsubject.indexOf(" ") != -1 && docsubject.indexOf("+") == -1) { String orArray[] = Util.TokenizerString2(docsubject, " "); if (orArray.length > 0) { tmpString += " ( "; } for (int i = 0; i < orArray.length; i++) { tmpString += " t1.docsubject like '%" + orArray[i] + "%'"; if (i + 1 < orArray.length) { tmpString += " or "; } } if (orArray.length > 0) { tmpString += " ) "; } } else if (docsubject.indexOf(" ") == -1 && docsubject.indexOf("+") != -1) { String andArray[] = Util.TokenizerString2(docsubject, "+"); for (int i = 0; i < andArray.length; i++) { tmpString += " t1.docsubject like '%" + andArray[i] + "%'"; if (i + 1 < andArray.length) { tmpString += " and "; } } } return tmpString; } /** 根据规则 处理有关键字条件的查询 */ private String getKeyWordSql(String keyword) { String keywordSql = ""; keyword = keyword.trim().replaceAll("'", "''"); ArrayList keywordList = Util.TokenizerString(keyword, " "); if (keywordList != null && keywordList.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < keywordList.size(); i++) { String tempkeyword = (String) keywordList.get(i); keywordSql += keywordSql.equals("") ? " t1.keyword like '%" + tempkeyword + "%' " : " or t1.keyword like '%" + tempkeyword + "%' "; } if (!keywordSql.equals("")) { keywordSql = " (" + keywordSql + ") "; } } return keywordSql; } /** * 最新文档tab页转换成 sql条件 * * @author wangqs */ private String packSearchTabDate(String tabValue) throws Exception { String sql = ""; switch (Util.getIntValue(tabValue, ConditionUtil.TAB_DEFAULT_VALUE)) { case ConditionUtil.TAB_TODAY_VALUE: sql = " and t1.doccreatedate='" + TimeUtil.getCurrentDateString() + "'"; break; case ConditionUtil.TAB_WEEK_VALUE: sql = " and t1.doccreatedate>='" + TimeUtil.getFirstDayOfWeek() + "'"; sql += " and t1.doccreatedate<='" + TimeUtil.getLastDayOfWeek() + "'"; break; case ConditionUtil.TAB_MONTH_VALUE: sql = " and t1.doccreatedate>='" + TimeUtil.getFirstDayOfMonth() + "'"; sql += " and t1.doccreatedate<='" + TimeUtil.getLastDayOfMonth() + "'"; break; case ConditionUtil.TAB_SESSION_VALUE: sql = " and t1.doccreatedate>='" + TimeUtil.getFirstDayOfSeason() + "'"; sql += " and t1.doccreatedate<='" + TimeUtil.getLastDayDayOfSeason() + "'"; break; case ConditionUtil.TAB_YEAR_VALUE: sql = " and t1.doccreatedate>='" + TimeUtil.getFirstDayOfTheYear() + "'"; sql += " and t1.doccreatedate<='" + TimeUtil.getLastDayOfYear() + "'"; break; default: break; } return sql; } public String getSqlWhere() { // ayh new BaseBean().writeLog("create sql string from docListUtil, sqlWhere is :" + this.sqlWhere); return this.sqlWhere; } }