package weaver.aiyh_quanshi.entity; public class QsConfSetting { private Boolean showInfo; private Boolean showVideo; private Boolean allowUnmute; private Boolean only; private Boolean emailNotify; private Boolean smsNotify; //0:不自动录音,1:自动录音,默认 0 private Integer autoRecord; private Integer passcodeType; //1:会议级别允许参会人解除静音 2:会议级别不允许参会人自我解除静音 值默认为 0 private Integer confLevelMute; //0: 用户可以关闭音频选择框 (默认值)1: 用户不能关闭音频选择框(如果 api 传入这个值,这个用户即使有其他端已经入会并连入音频,还是会让他选择音频) private Integer mustSelectAudio; //会议级别视频清晰度 1:标清,2:高清,4:超 清 选填,默认 0 表示未设置 private Integer confLevelVideoStandard; //参会人邮箱后缀扩展字段,支持当参会人为非邮箱格式时,拼接此扩展字段设定有效邮箱。 例如:参会人中某一数据为“zhangsan”,该扩展字段为 //“”或者“”,则拼接后的实际参会人邮箱为“” private String extend; public String getExtend() { return extend; } public void setExtend(String extend) { this.extend = extend; } public Integer getAutoRecord() { return autoRecord; } public void setAutoRecord(Integer autoRecord) { this.autoRecord = autoRecord; } public Integer getConfLevelMute() { return confLevelMute; } public void setConfLevelMute(Integer confLevelMute) { this.confLevelMute = confLevelMute; } public Integer getMustSelectAudio() { return mustSelectAudio; } public void setMustSelectAudio(Integer mustSelectAudio) { this.mustSelectAudio = mustSelectAudio; } public Integer getConfLevelVideoStandard() { return confLevelVideoStandard; } public void setConfLevelVideoStandard(Integer confLevelVideoStandard) { this.confLevelVideoStandard = confLevelVideoStandard; } /** * @return the showInfo */ public Boolean isShowInfo() { return showInfo; } /** * @param showInfo * the showInfo to set */ public void setShowInfo(Boolean showInfo) { this.showInfo = showInfo; } /** * @return the showVideo */ public Boolean isShowVideo() { return showVideo; } /** * @param showVideo * the showVideo to set */ public void setShowVideo(Boolean showVideo) { this.showVideo = showVideo; } /** * @return the allowUnmute */ public Boolean isAllowUnmute() { return allowUnmute; } /** * @param allowUnmute * the allowUnmute to set */ public void setAllowUnmute(Boolean allowUnmute) { this.allowUnmute = allowUnmute; } /** * @return the only */ public Boolean isOnly() { return only; } /** * @param only * the only to set */ public void setOnly(Boolean only) { this.only = only; } /** * @return the emailNotify */ public Boolean isEmailNotify() { return emailNotify; } /** * @param emailNotify * the emailNotify to set */ public void setEmailNotify(Boolean emailNotify) { this.emailNotify = emailNotify; } /** * @return the smsNotify */ public Boolean isSmsNotify() { return smsNotify; } /** * @param smsNotify * the smsNotify to set */ public void setSmsNotify(Boolean smsNotify) { this.smsNotify = smsNotify; } /** * @return the passcodeType */ public Integer getPasscodeType() { return passcodeType; } /** * @param passcodeType * the passcodeType to set */ public void setPasscodeType(Integer passcodeType) { this.passcodeType = passcodeType; } }