package com.api.aiyh_pcn.fadada.dao; import aiyh.utils.Util; import aiyh.utils.zwl.common.ToolUtil; import com.api.aiyh_pcn.fadada.entity.FaDaDaConfigDTO; import com.api.aiyh_pcn.fadada.entity.UfContractInfoDTO; import weaver.aiyh_pcn.fadada.entity.FileInfo; import weaver.conn.RecordSet; import weaver.workflow.workflow.WorkflowVersion; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * @author EBU7-dev1-ayh * @create 2021/11/3 0003 14:56 */ public class FaDDContractMapping { private final RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(); private final ToolUtil toolUtil = new ToolUtil(); /** * 查询合同相关的配置信息 * * @param workflowId 流程id * @param type 配置的类型 * @return 配置信息 */ public FaDaDaConfigDTO queryConfig(String workflowId, int type) { String versionStringByWfid = WorkflowVersion.getVersionStringByWfid(workflowId); String query = "select,main.workflow_type,main.api_type, main.params_config," + "main.signed_type,wf2.fieldname field_control1," + "wf.fieldname field_control, wf1.fieldname contract_doc, " + "(select GROUP_CONCAT('',selectvalue,'') selectvalue from workflow_selectitem " + "where FIND_IN_SET(id,main.only_own)) only_own, " + "(select GROUP_CONCAT('',selectvalue,'') selectvalue from workflow_selectitem " + "where FIND_IN_SET(id,main.only_other)) only_other, " + "(select GROUP_CONCAT('',selectvalue,'') selectvalue from workflow_selectitem " + "where FIND_IN_SET(id,main.both_all)) both_all, " + "(select GROUP_CONCAT('',selectvalue,'') selectvalue from workflow_selectitem " + "where FIND_IN_SET(id,main.check_personal)) check_personal, " + "(select GROUP_CONCAT('',selectvalue,'') selectvalue from workflow_selectitem " + "where FIND_IN_SET(id,main.check_enterprise)) check_enterprise," + "main.check_source_type,wdt.tablename check_source " + "from uf_contract_config main " + "left join workflow_field_table_view wf on = main.field_control " + "left join workflow_field_table_view wf1 on = main.contract_doc " + "left join workflow_field_table_view wf2 on = main.field_control1 " + "left join workflow_detail_table_view wdt on = main.check_source and " + "wdt.workflow_id = main.workflow_type " + "where main.workflow_type in ( " + versionStringByWfid + ") and api_type = ?"; rs.executeQuery(query, type); return Util.recordeSet2Entity(rs, FaDaDaConfigDTO.class, true); } /** * 获取全版本的workflowId * * @param versionStringByWfid 全版本的workflowId * @return */ public String getAllVersion(String versionStringByWfid) { String query = "select distinct workflow_type from uf_contract_config where workflow_type in (" + versionStringByWfid + ")"; rs.executeQuery(query);; return rs.getString(1); } /** * 获取节点信息 * * @param versionStringByWfid 全版本的流程 * @param markOnly 获取配置的节点信息 * @return */ public String getNodes(String versionStringByWfid) { String query = "select workflow_nodes from uf_node_config where workflow_type in (" + versionStringByWfid + ") and enable_nodes = ?"; rs.executeQuery(query, 1);; return rs.getString(1); } /** * 获取流程主表 * * @param workflowId * @return */ public String getMainTable(String workflowId) { String versionStringByWfid = WorkflowVersion.getVersionStringByWfid(workflowId); String query = "select tablename from workflow_bill " + " where id in (select formid from workflow_base " + " where id in (" + versionStringByWfid + ") )"; rs.executeQuery(query);; String mainTable = rs.getString(1); toolUtil.writeDebuggerLog("mainTable:" + mainTable); return mainTable; } /** * 获取配置的明细表 * * @param workflowId * @param type * @return */ public String getDetailTable(String workflowId, int type) { FaDaDaConfigDTO faDaDaConfigDTO = this.queryConfig(workflowId, type); String detailTable = faDaDaConfigDTO.getCheckSource(); toolUtil.writeDebuggerLog("detailTable:" + detailTable); return detailTable; } /** * 根据主表和请求id查询主表数据 * * @param requestId 请求id * @param mainTableName 主表表名 * @return */ public Map queryMainMap(String requestId, String mainTableName) { String query = "select * from " + mainTableName + " where requestid = ?"; RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(); rs.executeQuery(query, requestId); return Util.recordSet2Map(rs); } /** * 查询明细数据 * * @param mainId 主表id * @param tableName 明细表表名 * @return */ public List> queryDetailMaps(String mainId, String tableName) { String query = "select * from " + tableName + " where mainid = ?"; RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(); rs.executeQuery(query, mainId); return Util.recordSet2MapList(rs); } /** * 查询合同的配置信息 * * @param workflowId * @return */ /* public Map queryContractConfig(String workflowId) { String versionStringByWfid = WorkflowVersion.getVersionStringByWfid(workflowId); RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(); rs.executeQuery("select * from uf_contract_config where workflow_type in ( " + versionStringByWfid + " ) and api_type = ?", 2); return Util.recordSet2Map(rs); }*/ /** * 根据文件的id查询物理文件的id * @param fileIds * @return */ public List queryImgFileIdByDocIds(String fileIds) { String query = "select imagefileid,imagefilename from docimagefile where docid in ( " + fileIds + " )"; rs.executeQuery(query); return Util.recordeSet2Array(rs, FileInfo.class); } public UfContractInfoDTO queryContractInfo(String contractNo) { String query = "select * from uf_contract_info where contract_no = ?"; RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(); rs.executeQuery(query,contractNo); return Util.recordeSet2Entity(rs,UfContractInfoDTO.class,true); } public UfContractInfoDTO queryContractInfoByRequestId(String requestId) { String query = "select * from uf_contract_info where workflow_request_id = ?"; RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(); rs.executeQuery(query,requestId); return Util.recordeSet2Entity(rs,UfContractInfoDTO.class,true); } }